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J-Pole antenna for 11 Metres.

This is a J-Pole that I made using stainless steal from windscreen wiper blade rubbers

Go to most car spares shops where they provide a windscreen wiper blade fitting service

And ask if they want the old blades, they may be pleased to get rid if them.

(they have to pay for their rubbish to be disposed of)

These old wiper blades have some useful stainless steal strips either side of the rubber.

This is quite good for making magnetic loops and J-poles, well any thing in the antenna line.




Flat stainless strips, about (0.5 mm X 3 mm X any length up to 1 Metre long) approx.

Click images to enlarge



DSCF5806  DSCF5808  DSCF5809  DSCF5817







Midweek net on 27.255 MHz audio file 09/Sept/2016 click here.




Biquad antenna for 11 Metres (27 MHz)

Click on image


This is the antenna put up for the mid week DX net by John (Job done) in St-ivies Cambridgeshire.

This looks a real hand full.