Date Description
15-Dec-17 60M: Note-4 has WRC-15 Frequencies added and WRC notes added in Usage column
15-Dec-17 60M: WSPR removed from 5290 kHz 
15-Dec-17 60M: 5362-5370  UK Data usage note removed to avoid WRC-15 overlap, WSPR added
15-Dec-17 60M: 5403 USB usage deleted
15-Dec-17 2300 MHz: Updated Licence note as Channel Isles operation is now permitted under latest NoV terms
15-Dec-17 6M: Updated SBP description - deleted 'future'
15-Dec-17 6M: Deleted 50.6 RTTY
15-Dec-17 6M: Added new Note-6 for Digital Experimentation 
15-Dec-17 2M: CW Band now starts at 144.100 not 144.110
15-Dec-17 2M: 144.138 PSK31 deleted
15-Dec-17 2M: Unified segments so SSB/MGM etc now runs rom 144.150-144.400
15-Dec-17 2M: Removed unnecessary extra line 144.195-144.205 MHz   Random MS SSB as part of simplification
15-Dec-17 2M: Added Personal Weak Signal Beacons (144.491-144.493)  in Beacon Guard band
15-Dec-17 2M: Removed 'centre' for Image modes as they are near a band edge
15-Dec-17 2M: Slight changes/clarifications to usage English for RAYNET,  MS Calling, Note-7 etc
16-Dec-17 70cm: Beacon band upper limit corrected to IARU 432.490, from 432.500
16-Dec-17 70cm: Added 432.491-432.493 MHz  Personal Weak Signal MGM Beacons (BW: 500 Hz max)
16-Dec-17 70cm: 434.4750-434.5250 MHz Internet voice gateways now DV only
16-Dec-17 70cm: 433.8000-434.2500 MHz   Digital communications - ADDED '& Experiments'
16-Dec-17 70cm: Added 434.0000  Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage
16-Dec-17 70cm: Added 438.8000  Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage
16-Dec-17 70cm: Editorial - Merged usage for 433.7000-433.7750 MHz  (Note 10)
16-Dec-17 70cm: 430.250-430.300 MHz  UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters - Outputs
16-Dec-17 70cm: Added 439.250-439.300 MHz  UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters - Inputs
16-Dec-17 70cm: Deleted 432.0880 MHz   PSK31 centre of activity
16-Dec-17 23cm: Added 1296.741-1296.743 MHz   Personal Weak Signal MGM Beacons
16-Dec-17 13cm: Updated Note-2 to add 2400-2402 alternative narrowband use in other countries
16-Dec-17 6cm: Introduce BW Column and reformat 
16-Dec-17 6cm: Remove 5668 beacons and clarify names for preferred and alternative narrowband centres
16-Dec-17 Notes: Added 5MHz to 'No contests' bands
8-Jan-18 Highlighted Full Licensees Only on 600m, 60m, 146MHz, 2300MHz
8-Jan-18 60M: Clarify it is UK Usage Plan only. Further info - 
8-Jan-18 146MHz: Updated Power Limit from 25 to 50W
3-Dec-18 2M: Removal of old Microwave talkback from 144.175
3-Dec-18 2M: More generic Digital Usage term in place of AX25 or TCPIP usage on 144.925, 144.9375, 144.950
3-Dec-18 2M: Correction to Simplex Channel designation to V16-V47, (was V16-V48)
3-Dec-18 2M: Correction to Simplex Channel designation in Footnote-3 to V47 (was V46)