Notes to the Band Plan
ITU-R Recommendation SM.328 (extract)
Necessary bandwidth: For a given class of emission, the width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to 
ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under specified conditions.
Foundation and Intermediate Licence holders are advised to check their licences for the permitted power limits and 
conditions applicable to their class of licence.
All Modes CW, SSB and those modes listed as Centres of Activity, plus AM (Consideration should be given to adjacent channel users.
Image Modes Any analogue or digital image modes within the appropriate bandwidth, for example SSTV and FAX
Narrow band modes All modes using up to 500Hz bandwidth, including CW, RTTY, PSK, etc
Digimodes Any digital mode used within the appropriate bandwidth, for example RTTY, PSK, MT63, etc
Sideband usage Below 10MHz use lower sideband (LSB), above 10MHz use upper sideband (USB). Note the lowest dial settings for LSB Voice modes are 1843, 3603 and 7043kHz on 160, 80 and 40m. Note that on 5MHz USB is used.
Amplitude Modulation (AM) Amplitude Modulation (AM) with a bandwidth greater than 2.7kHz is acceptable in the all-modes segments provided users consider adjacent channel activity when selecting operating frequencies (Davos 2005)
Extended SSB (eSSB)   Extended SSB (eSSB) is only acceptable in the all-modes segments provided users consider adjacent channel activity when selecting operating frequencies
Digital Voice (DV) Users of Digital Voice (DV) should check that the channel is not in use by other modes (CT08_C5_Rec20).  
FM Repeater & Gateway Access CTCSS Access is recommended. Toneburst access is being withdrawn in line with IARU-R1 recommendations
Beacons Propagation Beacon Sub-bands are highlighted - Please avoid transmitting in them!!
MGM   M(achine) G(enerated) M(ode) indicates those transmission modes relying fully on computer processing such as RTTY, AMTOR, PSK31, JTxx, FSK441 and the like. This does not include Digital Voice (DV) or Digital Data (DD)
WSPR   Above 30 MHz, WSPR frequencies in the band plan are the centre of the transmitted frequency (not the suppressed carrier frequency or the VFO dial setting). 
CW QSOs are accepted across all bands, except within beacon segments (Recommendation DV05_C4_Rec_13)
Contest activity shall not take place on the 5, 10, 18 and 24MHz bands
Non-contesting radio amateurs are recommended to use the contest-free HF bands (30, 17 and 12m) during the 
largest international contests (DV05_C4_Rev_07)
The term "automatically controlled data stations" include Store and Forward stations.
Transmitting frequencies
The announced frequencies in the band plan are understood as "transmitted frequencies" (not those of the suppressed carrier!)
Unmanned transmitting stations
IARU member societies are requested to limit this activity on the HF bands.  It is recommended that any unmanned
transmitting stations on HF shall only be activated under operator control except for beacons agreed with the IARU
Region 1 Beacon Coordinator, or specially licensed experimental stations.
472-479 kHz
Access is available to Full Licensees only - see licence schedule for additonal condtions
Radio Amateurs in countries that have a SSB allocation ONLY below 1840kHz, may continue to use it, but the 
National Societies in those countries are requested to take all necessary steps with their licence administrations
to adjust phone allocations in accordance with the Region 1 Band Plan (UBA - Davos 2005)
Inter-Continental operations should be given priority in the segments 3500 - 3510kHz and 3775 - 3800kHz
Where no DX traffic is involved, the contest segments should not include 3500 - 3510kHz or 3775 - 3800kHz. 
Member societies will be permitted to set other (lower) limits for national contests (within these limits).
3510 - 3600kHz may be used for unmanned ARDF beacons (CW, A1A) (Recommendation DV05_C4_Rec_12)
Member societies should approach their national telecommunication authorities and ask them not to allocate
frequencies other than amateur stations in the band segment that IARU has assigned to intercontinental long 
distance traffic
Access is available to Full Licensees only - see licence schedule for additonal condtions
The band segment 7040 - 7060kHz may be used for automatic controlled data stations (unattended) traffic in the 
areas of Africa south from the equator during local daylight hours.
Where no DX traffic is involved, the contest segment should not include 7,175 - 7,200kHz. 
SSB may be used during emergencies involving the immediate safety of life and property and only by stations
actually involved in the handling of emergency traffic
The band segment 10120kHz to 10140kHz may be used for SSB transmissions in the area of Africa south of the
equator during local daylight hours.
News bulletins on any mode should not be transmitted on the 10MHz band.
Member societies should advise operators not to transmit on frequencies between 29.3 and 29.51MHz to avoid
interference to amateur satellite downlinks
Experimentation with NBFM Packet Radio at 29MHz: 
Preferred operating frequencies on each 10kHz from 29.210 to 29.290MHz inclusive should be used. 
A deviation of +/- 2.5kHz being used with 2.5kHz as maximum modulation frequency.
The band is subject to re-planning. It is also shared with air traffic radar
2.3 GHz  (2310-2350 and 2390-2400MHz)
Operation is subject to specific licence conditions and guidance - see also the Ofcom PSSR statement
3.4GHz (3400-3410 MHz)
Operation is subject to specific licence conditions and guidance - see also the Ofcom PSSR statement
146-147 MHz and 2300-2302MHz
Access to these bands requires an appropriate NoV, which is available to Full Licensees only