RSGB Band Plan (effective from 1st
January 2018) |
The following band plan
is largely based on that agreed at IARU Region 1 General Conferences with
some local differences on |
on frequencies above 430
MHz. |
430MHz (70cm) |
Necessary |
UK Usage |
IARU Recommendation |
Bandwidth |
430.0000-431.9810 MHz |
20 kHz |
MHz FM Internet voice gateways (Notes
7, 8) |
All modes |
430.250-430.300 MHz UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters -
Outputs |
430.4000-430.5750 |
430.400-430.775 MHz UK DV 9 MHz split repeaters - Inputs |
digital links |
430.6000-430.9250 |
430.8000 MHz 7.6 MHz Talkthrough (Note 10) |
digital repeaters |
MHz RU66-RU78 7.6 MHz split repeaters – outputs |
See licence
exclusion note; 431-432
MHz |
430.9900-431.9000 MHz Digital
Communications |
431.0750-431.1750 MHz DV Internet voice gateways (Note 8) |
432.0000-432.1000 |
500 Hz |
432.0000-432.0250 MHz Moonbounce (EME) |
Telegraphy, MGM |
432.0500 MHz Telegraphy centre
of activity |
432.1000-432.4000 |
2700 Hz |
432.2000 MHz SSB centre of activity |
SSB, Telegraphy |
432.3500 MHz Microwave talkback (Europe) |
432.3700 MHz FSK441 calling frequency |
432.4000-432.4900 |
500 Hz |
Beacons only |
432.491-432.493 MHz Personal Weak Signal MGM Beacons (BW: 500
Hz max) |
432.5000-432.9940 |
25 kHz |
432.5000 MHz Narrow band SSTV activity centre |
All modes |
(Note 11) |
432.6250-432.6750 MHz Digital communications (25 kHz channels) |
Non-channelised |
432.7750 MHz 1.6 MHz Talkthrough - Base TX (Note 10) |
432.9940-433.3810 |
25 kHz |
MHz (RB0-RB15) RU240-RU270 |
FM repeater outputs |
(Note 11) |
FM/DV repeater outputs (25 kHz
channels) in UK only |
in UK only (Note 1) |
433.3940-433.5810 |
25 kHz |
433.4000 MHz U272; IARU Region 1 SSTV (FM/AFSK) |
(Note 11) |
433.4250 MHz U274 |
FM/DV (Notes 12, 13) |
433.4500 MHz U276 (Note 5) |
Simplex |
433.4750 MHz U278 |
Channels |
433.5000 MHz U280
FM Calling channel |
MHz U282 |
433.5500 MHz U284
Used for Rally/Exhibition talk-in |
MHz U286 |
433.6000-434.0000 |
25 kHz |
All modes |
(Note 11) |
433.6250-6750 MHz Digital communications (25 kHz channels) |
433.800 MHz for |
433.7000-433.7750 MHz (Note 10) |
APRS where 144.800 |
MHz cannot be used. |
433.8000-434.2500 MHz Digital communications & Experiments |
434.000-434.5940 |
25 kHz |
434.0000 Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage |
(Note 11) |
433.9500-434.0500 MHz Internet voice gateways (Note 8) |
434.3750 MHz 1.6 MHz Talkthrough - Mobile TX (Note 10) |
434.4750-434.5250 MHz DV Internet voice gateways (Note 8) |
434.5940-434.9810 |
25 kHz |
MHz (RB0-RB15) RU240-RU270 |
FM repeater inputs in |
(Note 11) |
FM/DV repeater inputs (25 kHz
channels) in UK only (Note 12). |
UK only and ATV (Note 4) |
435.0000-438.0000 |
20 kHz |
Satellites and fast scan TV (Note 4) |
437.0000 Experimental DATV Centre of
Activity (Note 14) |
438.0000-440.0000 |
25 kHz |
438.0250-438.1750 MHz IARU Region 1 Digital
communications |
All modes |
(Note 11) |
438.2000-439.4250 MHz (Note 1) |
438.4000 MHz 7.6 MHz Talkthrough (Note 10) |
438.4250-438.5750 MHz RU66-RU78 7.6MHz split repeaters – inputs |
438.6125 MHz UK DV calling (Note 12) (Note 13) |
438.8000 Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage |
MHz Digital communications |
439.250-439.300 MHz UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters -
Inputs |
439.400-439.775 MHz UK DV 9 MHz split repeaters - Outputs |
Note 1: In Switzerland, Germany and
Austria, repeater inputs are 431.050-431.825 MHz with 25 kHz spacing and outputs |
MHz. In Belgium, France and the Netherlands repeater
outputs are 430.025-430.375 MHz with 12.5 kHz spacing |
and inputs at
431.625-431.975 MHz. In other
European countries repeater inputs are 433.000-433.375 MHz with 25 kHz
spacing |
outputs at 434.600-434.975 MHz, i.e. the reverse of the UK allocation. |
Note 4: ATV carrier frequencies shall
be chosen to avoid interference to other users, in particular the
satellite |
service and repeater inputs. |
5: In other countries IARU Region-1 recommend 433.450 MHz
for DV calling |
Note 7: Users must accept interference
from repeater output channels in France and the Netherlands at
430.025-430.575 MHz. |
with sites that allow propagation to other countries (notably France and the
Netherlands) must survey the proposed |
frequency before use to ensure that they will not cause
interference to users in those countries. |
Note 8: All Internet voice gateways:
12.5kHz channels, maximum deviation +-2.4kHz, maximum erp 5W (7 dBW), |
operation in the presence of the NoV holder. |
10: May be used for Emergency Communications and Community
Events |
Note 11: IARU Region 1 recommended
maximum bandwidths are 12.5 or 20 kHz |
12: Embedded data traffic is allowed with digital voice
(DV) |
13: Simplex use only - no DV gateways |
14: QPSK 2 Mega-symbols/second maximum recommended |
NOTES: Amateur
Service: Secondary User. Amateur
Satellite Service: 435-438MHz:
Secondary User |
Exclusion: 431-432 MHz not available within 100km radius of Charing Cross,
London. |
Power Restriction:
430-432 MHz is 40W erp maximum |
Notes to the Band Plan |
ITU-R Recommendation
SM.328 (extract) |
bandwidth: For a given class of emission, the width
of the frequency band which is just sufficient to |
ensure the transmission of
information at the rate and with the quality required under specified
conditions. |
The use of Amplitude
Modulation (AM) is acceptable in the all modes segments but users are asked
to consider |
channel activity when selecting operating frequencies. |
and Intermediate Licence holders are advised to check their licences for the
permitted power limits and |
conditions applicable to their class
of licence. |